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Riverbank Unified Schools Districts coordinates Certificated Substitutes through Stanislaus County Office of Education. 

The Stanislaus County Office of Education Substitute Services staff serves 19 districts and all SCOE programs by providing substitutes for teaching and various support staff positions. An automated absence management system is operated and maintained by staff which includes the training of campus users, employees, and substitutes.


Absence Management

Absence Management, Formerly Aesop

Absence Management

You must be a current SCOE Substitute in order to access the link above. 

Absence Management is an automated substitute placement system via telephone and can be accessed through the computer.

For user instructions, click on “Get a Demo” after logging in to Absence Management



Classified Substitutes

Riverbank Unified Schools Districts encourages you to apply as a classified substitute employee. 

Apply here: Our Edjoin Listings



Absence Management, Formerly Aesop

Absence Mangement Link

Absence Management is an automated substitute placement system via telephone and can be accessed through the computer.

For user instructions, click on “Get a Demo” after logging in to Absence Management